Welcome to the Samoyed Breed Council website, a site aimed at everyone involved in the world of the Samoyed.
The Breed Council is made up of 2 representatives from each of the U.K. breed clubs. The Kennel Club Breed Liaison Officer, elected by the breed clubs for a three year term, acts as Chairman of the Council.
The objectives of the Breed Council are to maintain the Samoyed breed in accordance with the Breed Standard approved by the Kennel Club, and to encourage the use of the agreed Code of Ethics. To co-ordinate all aspects and activities of the Samoyed breed clubs for the improvement and protection of the breed, and also education for those interested in the breed.
Judges training seminars and assessments are organised periodically.
See ‘Events’ page.
Also, a Notification of Illness form can be found on the download page, or complete the ONLINE from HERE
****Added recently to the Health page is the KC Breed Health Conservation Plan, also Information Sheets on Eye and Hip Testing, BLOAT, Sebaceous Andenitis Treatment Regime
See ‘Health’ page.
Don’t forget to visit the “Latest News” page before leaving the site to find out what is going on!
Samoyed Breed Liaison Officer: Sue Smith Email: sueburt13@btinternet.com
Samoyed Association
Secretary : Mrs D Barker Email: diana_barker@hotmail.co.uk General contact: Mr C Brookes Email: chris.brookes@appassionata.co.uk
British Samoyed Club
Secretary: Mrs V Lloyd Email: arianrhod_9@btinternet.com
Northern Samoyed Society
Secretary: Mikaela Short Email: NSS-secretary@hotmail.com
General contacts Andrew Woodhead Email: andrewpashasams@talktalk.net or Norman Collinson Email: samoyed123@yahoo.co.uk
Samoyed Breeders and Owners League
Secretary: Mrs P. Lepley Email: lepleyp@hotmail.com
Health Officer – Mikaela Short Email: mikaela72@hotmail.co.uk
Breed Education Co-ordinator – Hazel Fitzgibbon Email: Smiliesam@Hotmail.com